We want to simplify wild foods and make them accessible to everybody.

Outdoors Chef is more than just a website. We are a community of like-minded people who know the true value of nature and the foods we eat. We have a huge wealth of knowledge from professional and amateur chefs and food enthusiasts. With new recipes posted every day. Hunters Feast plans to become the ultimate place for those passionate about harvesting, catching, and foraging their own food.


Rusty has been into food his whole life. It was later in life that he got into harvesting wild food. However, it’s this new found passion that pushed him to create outdoors chef.

When not in the kitchen creating new recipes, Rusty can be found out fishing, foraging or hunting.


Although we are more than just recipes. Recipes is what a big part of what we do. Whether it’s a popular dish like chili or venison burgers, or something a little more unusual like rainbow trout sashimi, all of our recipes will have an element of wild food.

Usually the wild component of our recipes is the main ingredient, and in some cases we use multiple wild ingredients where possible.


While we love making recipes, our aim here is to help people learn more about wild food. We do this through our Youtube channel as well as here on this site with our informational articles.

We try to cover a wide range of topics to help people better understand wild food. These topics aim to aid wild food enthusiasts in their foray into these intriguing ingredients.

This could be anything from learning the best cuts of meat from wild game to knowing if you can eat fish bones.

Contact Us

We’re happy to hear from our readers. To contact us, please send any emails to hello@outdoorschef.com